
- Mortals can now give immortals NO_TRADE item such as Apocalypse tokens.
- Immortals can give mortals items even if the mortal has reached their item or weight limit.

- ki regen increases when resting or sleeping

- New command added: search. You can use it to search the object database based on search terms.
- identify command can now lookup based on VNUM with identify v####

- Fixed bug with leave.

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Help Files for Dark Castle

  • On our website, you can read some of the help files from the game under the Getting Started area of the site.

  • Inside the game, type help index and you will see a list of helpfiles that might be useful to get you started.

  • Help Rules is a good starting point to learn what this mud allows you to do if you are familiar to mudding. (some games have different player versus player, multiplaying, botting rules, etc) Ignorance is not an excuse!

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 

Click on a letter to bring up the helpfiles that start with that letter.

Click on a word to bring up the contents of that helpfile.

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