
- Mortals can now give immortals NO_TRADE item such as Apocalypse tokens.
- Immortals can give mortals items even if the mortal has reached their item or weight limit.

- ki regen increases when resting or sleeping

- New command added: search. You can use it to search the object database based on search terms.
- identify command can now lookup based on VNUM with identify v####

- Fixed bug with leave.

News Archives

The Classes of Dark Castle

Classes on Dark Castle are broken down into the fighting styles of Melee, Casting, Hybrid, and Ki

Melee classes mainly use weapons to kill their enemies. The Melee classes include the Warrior, Barbarian, and Thief.

Casting classes use magical means for offense and defense. As such, Mages, Clerics, and Druids have a big pool of mana with which to ward off their foes.

Hybrid classes use both physical and magical abilities to stand their ground in a fight. While each pillar is not as strong as their respective counterparts, the sum of both gives the Paladin, Anti-Paladin, and Ranger classes the ability to obliterate all opponents.

Ki classes channel their mental focus in order to enhance their physical dexterity. The Monk uses his Ki to turn his fists and feet into deadly weapons while the Bard uses Ki to aid in his singing and instrument playing, piercing the air with deadly sonic waves.

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