Welcome to Dark Castle
Some of Dark Castle's original features include:
- A detailed and highly developed player-run CLAN SYSTEM.
- A 'META-PHYSICIAN' where attributes and upgrades can be purchased.
- A vast array of items, mobs, areas, and storylines.
- A variety of well developed races and classes.
(Some classes include: Monk, Bard, Druid, & Paladin) - Professions for character and class specialization.
- An all-original CASINO utilizing actual rules and odds.
- An exciting fully automated QUEST system.
- A LEADERBOARD to compare your character to the competition.
- A flexible, unique combat system full of gore and mayhem - with 'real killing' possibilities for the clever and organized.
- Free player VAULTS for storing, saving, and sharing your loot!
- A player-run AUCTION HOUSE for buying and selling goods.
- Comprehensive helpfiles for both new and veteran players.
- An interactive and constantly evolving world to get immersed in.
- Many more ORIGINAL FEATURES only found on Dark Castle!
Connect to Dark Castle MUD with telnet or a MUD client. Host: dcastle.org Port: 6969 There is a secondary copy of the MUD running on port 6666 for mostly just bots or multiplayers to play on. Most players are on port 6969.