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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / FULL: Dark Castle Fantasy Football 2009!
- - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2009-07-03 13:29 Edited 2009-07-15 09:26
Greetings all!

The DC Football 2009 pool is now open for registration!
The Draft is scheduled online for THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th at 10PM EASTERN (later than last year to accomodate west coasters).
Make SURE you can ATTEND the draft if you're going to sign up!

There are 16 spots available, though returning managers who were ACTIVE and REGULAR participants last year will have a chance to sign up first.
The rules and positions have changed slightly to accomodate more potential players.

If you are listed below, email me before 11:59pm, July 17th to indicate your interest in returning or your spot will be opened to the next interested party.

If you are interested in joining this year, email Apocalypse with your interest but ONLY if you meet the following criteria:
a) You know NFL football.
b) You understand the concept of Fantasy Football.
c) You are prepared to regularly maintain your team throughout the season regardless of your record.

First come, first served and remember, every win no matter where you are in the standings earns you prizes!

IMPORTANT: when you contact me to return and/or join the league, indicate which email address I should send the league invitation to as this will be your league email throughout the season.

Apoc's Email: <or>

Last year's players are as follows:

1) Apoc's Zap Attack (w00t!)
2) Mojo
3) Mace
4) Harlem
5) Brannoc
6) Elric
7) Golobulous
8) Job
9) Alekto
10) Enoch
11) Gargamel
12) Drnemke
13) Cereal
14) Maharani
15) Avantasia
16) Radio

Thanks and good luck!
Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2009-07-15 09:28
Less than 48 hours left for last year's players to sign up.

If you're interested in this year and didn't play last year, remember to contact me ASAP -- as it stands, there are 2 unclaimed spots barring more people from last year contacting me within the next 48 hours.

Parent - - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2009-07-20 10:29 Edited 2009-07-22 09:04
Update -- the following players (returning and new) have signed up thus far for the 2009 season:

1) Apoc's Zap Attack (w00t!)
2) Mojo (returning)
3) Mace (returning)
4) Harlem (returning)
5) Brannoc (returning)
6) Petra (returning)
7) Alekto (returning)
8) Gargamel (returning)
9) Radio (returning)
10) Fidget (returning)
11) Cedric (new)
12) Sanitarium (new)
13) Caspian (new)
14) Elric (returning)
15) Golobulous (returning)
16) Mor (new)

We're now full and registration is closed.  Sorry to any who didn't make the cut this year.

Parent - - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2009-07-22 09:06
Registration is now closed.

There are a couple people who requested invites that were later than those here so unfortunately will have to wait for next year to try and get in.

That being said, we will also be holding our weekly "pick'em" pool again that any one can join (no maximum) for prizes.

Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2009-08-23 13:50
If you're playing in the DC Football league this year, don't forget the draft is this Thursday evening!

Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / FULL: Dark Castle Fantasy Football 2009!

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