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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Profession Details and Names Announced!
- By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2007-02-10 21:43
As we mentioned a while back, we're putting in "professions" for level 51-60 abilities.

Each class will have 2 abilities that the whole class can use and 3 that each profession can use.
Each class will have 2 profession options to choose from to start. (For a total of 5 new skills per char.)

Once these are closer to going in I'll announce some more details and fill out helpfiles for you all to peruse.

We're aiming for this summer as there are a few other serious changes we're doing first and we want to
release all professions simultaneously.  In the meantime, a few other important changes like AC/to-hit
and the new requisites system will be installed.

The skills that we have determined for each of these were created before naming so as to allow the names
to fit the abilities each profession will have.  So, for those who have been asking and as I've discussed
over gossip, here are the names of the professions for each class....

Mage - Warmage and Spellbinder
Cleric - Zealot and Ritualist
Druid - Elementalist and Shapeshifter
Monk - Sensei and Spiritualist
Bard - Minstrel and Troubadour
Paladin - Templar and Inquisitor
Anti-Paladin - Cultist and Reaver
Ranger - Tracker and Scout
Barbarian - Battlerager and Chieftan
Warrior - Gladiator and Legionnaire
Thief - Pilferer and Assassin

Keep in mind that more professions can (and will) be added over time, thus providing even more options
down the road.  I won't be discussing this in much detail on the forums for the time being, but feel free
to log in and ask questions.

Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Profession Details and Names Announced!

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