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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Unlimited Quest Rewards Opportunity!
- - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-07-07 22:14
The DC Immortal Staff is pleased to announce a rewards opportunity for players involving
our new automated quest system.  The new quest system utilizes a points system based
on small single clue "mini-quests" assigned by a "Questmaster" mob.

Every submission emailed to that is used in the new system will receive:
100 platinum coins (2 million gold) or 1 clan voucher.
There is NO limit to how many quests each player can submit.

Clues MUST be submitted in the following format:

a) 1 or 2 line clue indicating the mob and reason for the quest.

b) The specific target mob that must be slain to complete the quest.

c) The specific name of the object that must be retrieved from the mob and returned to the Questmaster.
(short and long descriptions - see example)


The Questmaster tells you, 'About the town of Sorpigal wanders a demonic beast of terrifying proportions.  Its wickedly sharp horns have torn the live from many a brave adventurer.'
The Questmaster tells you, 'Retrieve such a horn and bring it to be as evidence the beast is slain!'

Target Mob:
the Tarrasque

Target Object:
short desc: the Tarrasque's Horn
long desc: The horn, ripped from the skull of the terrifying Tarrasque, lies in the ground here.
Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-07-08 08:39
Remember these clues can be to any mob anywhere in the DC world.
The example above is just to give you an idea of what to submit.
Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Unlimited Quest Rewards Opportunity!

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