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Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Rewards Offered: Area Helpfiles
- - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-04-23 09:26
We are offering a reward for any players who submit a solid (meaning it MUST be thorough and have good grammar and spelling) helpfile for an area.

Existing examples can be found listed in "help newbie areas" and include some of the newbie zone information.  I would prefer helpfile submissions from the "newbie/novice/intermediate" list, though any submission of quality will get used.  See the examples for the kind of information to include.

I would also prefer helpfiles in a "story/roleplay" style like some of the existing ones are, however strictly informative ones are also acceptable.

The reason I would prefer lower level areas is those helpfiles can reveal some of the more "secret" information about the area, whereas higher level area "tricks" or secrets should remain up to players to discover.

Successful submissions will receive credit in the helpfile and a significant reward for their character.
You can find an example from an existing one below.

Submissions can be emailed to

Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-04-23 09:29
| | Help For: 'AERIAL CASTLE' 'AERIALCASTLE' 'AERIAL'                      | |

> A weathereed adventurer wanders towards you with a friendly smile and says:

"So you've visited the Newbie Caves, Kilderry, and perhaps even Newtonia?
Well then, it might be time to test your skill against some slightly
stronger foes.  You might next try seeking out the castle in the
clouds above Sorpigal, the Aerial Castle."
"To travel there from the Albatross Tavern you should head:"
    s, 2u, enter island
"You will find yourself on a sandy beach and, in the distance to the
north, you will see the castle.  While in the castle, fear not, for the
residents and guards are of friendly disposition.  In fact, should you
decide to slaughter these innocents, your alignment will surely shift
towards evil."
"The servants will be the easiest prey and the guards slightly more
difficult.  Be careful however, if you are attempting to cross blades
with the noble King or Queen.  Merlin himself resides in retirement at
the top of the tower in the northeastern part of the castle.  He, on
occasion, will be wearing a glass earring which is a very useful item
for one of limited experience.  Bringing a group of friends along for
help when facing Merlin for the first time might be a good idea as his
powers are not to be taken lightly."
"There are rumors of entrances to other dimensions in the castle as well!
Higher level characters might come seeking a way to these dimensions
and not all of them will be friendly.  Using the WHERE command on
occasion may alert you to the presence of other adventurers in the area.
This perhaps can give you time to beat a hasty retreat if necessary."
"When you are ready to depart from the Aerial Castle, simply return to
the sandy beach and type LEAVE."

> Wrapping up his tale, the adventurer takes a long pull from his buffalo
> waterskin and says...

"Well there my wee compatriot, thats about all I have to say about that
for now.  Good luck!"

> At that, he wanders off once again looking for more "water" to drink.

                    -- Special thanks to Chysul for helping write this file.

| | Related Help: NEW, NEWBIE AREAS, GETTINGSTARTED, MAP, RULES            | |
Parent - - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-04-23 09:30
| | Help For: 'GRAVE YARD' 'GRAVEYARD' 'CEMETARY'                          | |

> A small crumpled letter has somehow found its way into your journal...


I took your recommendation and shacked up in Sorpigal for a while. It's
fairly isolated, and nobody asks too many questions. It got a little
boring just butchering all their little animals at night, so I started
exploring. I ran across a church Sexton, near the fountain on the South
side of town. I pretended to be interested in his wretched little deity
long enough to notice he was carrying a key. A little sleight of hand
and I was off to visit the nearby graveyard.

After a short bout of vandalism, I started digging up the gravesites,
hoping to find some valuables. Don't ask me why you'd bury perfectly
good gems with an old wrinkly body... Especially in a town like this
where they pay top dollar. Anyway, I was waist deep in one of the old
tombs when I heard some scuffling, moaning sounds coming from all
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (1 3) ]
directions. I suppose I should have stopped to ask myself why they'd
keep the graveyard locked up. Apparently, it's chock full of undead.

I started stabbing at every skeleton and lumbering corpse between me
and the entrance, but they didn't even slow down. I finally dropped my
daggers and ran, using my fists and an old rusty sword to keep them at
bay. I bloodied them up pretty good and got out with some decent loot,
but I'm sure there's more to be found there.

Maybe we can go check it out when you get here. I saw an old chapel that
looks promising, but there was a guy hanging around in there, singing
and lighting candles. Rumor has it that the chapel has an entrance
to some ancient catacombs, but it's not the kind of place I'd want to go
alone. Supposed to be some pretty scary stuff down there.

Anyway, I'll be at the tavern spending our hard-earned gold. Don't
take too long getting here, or there might not be much left to split.
May the blood of your enemies flow deep, and their cries echo long
into the night.

                              -Turendae Stromboli-
                              Purloiner of Fine Goods

>                  Special thanks to Stromboli for submitting this file.

| | Related Help: NEW, NEWBIE AREAS, GETTINGSTARTED, MAP, RULES            | |
Parent - By Apocalypse (Omnigod) Date 2006-11-04 20:55
This reward opportunity is still available...
Keep up the great submissions!

Remember to check "help areas" to see which areas already have helpfiles.

Up Topic Dark Castle Official News & Updates / Town Crier / Rewards Offered: Area Helpfiles

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